D'CuCKOO is a group of six uniquely talented musicians skilled in high-tech methods of making music and generating sounds, they mix sophisticated pop vocals and lyrics with techno, dance and world music influences. Their music mixes sounds and rhythms from Africa, India and the Far East resulting in a widely varied and exciting repertoire. Their original sound features custom digital samples played on one-of-a-kind electronic
instruments -- Midi Marimbas, Midi Drum
Controllers and 6' Midi Bamboo "trigger sticks", all of which were invented, designed and built by co-founders Candice Pacheco and Tina
Blaine (aka Bean). D'CuCKOO is also known for their unusual digital show-toy inventions: featuring the D'CuCKOO MidiBall (a 5' wireless glowing sphere which triggers sounds and visuals), a computer-generated character known as RiGBy that interacts with the band and audience, and their use of real-time computer graphics as part of their interactive performance.
We currently have 3 CD's available: our first CD (an eclectic mix of upbeat marimba tunes, a Brian Eno cover of No One Receiving and
various other tunes from our past), Umoja (Swahili for Unity: a slightly more dance groove oriented CD with a middle-eastern feel, lots of percussion and vocals), and Candice's solo project called The Vortex: an instrumental sountrack to an interactive virtual cinema cd- rom by Hyperbole studio's release of the same name, CD's are $15 each and are also available in cassette format for $10. We also have dancing d'cuckoo logo t-shirts for $13 each and posters of the band for $8. Our address is: 2440 16th Street #304 SF, CA 94103
and you can send us a check or
money order payable to D'CuCKOO. Please add $2.50 for shipping and handling + $1.50 for each additional item. If you are in California, please add 8.25% CA tax.
Thanks for your support!
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