![[ Phobe--MEGABLAST ]](title6c.gif)
Towards the Green Glow:
For the close-up preview pictures, I included a green glow to liven up the
large expanse of black that would have been otherwise surrounding Phobe's
face (click to see what I am talking about).
Upon viewing an early version of these HTML pages, my friend Shawn McIntosh
asked me why I would include something so cool in the preview, and not
have it in the actual picture itself. I simply had to respond, "I have no
response to that," and return to the Retouch Dungeon. This bit of the picture is where Kai's Power Tools,
which I wasn't feeling too keen on before, became a big help.
To effectively blend the green glow with the blue gradient in the background, I had
to have a radial gradient that went from light green to black, and at the same
time, from opaque to transparent so that the blue behind it would show through. Since
this gradation only had two colors in it (Kai's flakes out after three!), it was a
relatively simple thing to set up. And since Kai's Gradient Designer lets
you save the gradient that you've worked so hard to create ("Towards The
Green Glow" took four tries to get it just right), when I had to go back
and re-do the effect on a "before-the-vertical-squash" file, it only took a matter
of moments.
All contents Copyright © 1993,94 David J. Calabrese.