![[ Phobe--MEGABLAST ]](title6c.gif)
Hardware / Software:
A Mustek 6000C scanner was used to scan the original artwork at 300 dpi, and later a
black-and-white scanner brought in xeroxes of the pencil drawing. PhotoShop 2.5,
PhotoShop 2.5.1, PhotoShop 3.0, PhotoStyler 2.0, and Kai s Power Tools (used only because
the people at Adobe figured that gradients employing more than two colors
were unconstitutional) were
all used at various points in editing and compositing.
Most of the retouching
work was done on 66MHz 486DX2s and a 90Mhz Pentium machine. These HTML pages
were created on a 33Mhz 386DX.
All contents Copyright © 1993,94 David J. Calabrese.