Shot out of San Diego like a Cruise Missile guided by red laser tail lights fueled on caffeinated elixir and adrenaline, at four A.M. after 3 hours sleep injected my steal and glass projectile into a freeway that resembled a string of cubic zarconia and rhinestones starred sky revolved into daylight morning found me carving circles through Compton sun sparkled diamond light into parked car windows on trash-lined, pot holed streets where the old Red Line station house still stands saved from destruction by an African-American woman's hand. spires Watts Towersrise proud anchored concrete over incessant iron needled columns punch defiantly into blue after rain sky seven-thirty A.M. after Watts 1965 after Rodney King 1992 Community Action Counsel fused multi-racial human beings into a movement of one over a breakfast of passionate grits, powerful fried chicken, intense biscuits, and furious hot coffee! multi-cultural psyche collected to orchestrate a bridge over bureaucrats that promised everything but dispensed only uninhabited time in spoonfuls of action mixed with bitter herbs and hope.
Flashed uptown neon burning my unsunglassed eyes through brown L.A. smog then poured into a room where a black man slept who knew the stripes of injustice because he ate them every day for lunch in a 10 flight Hollywood hotel walk-up. At eleven A.M. I climbed up a hill to see the god of architecture but he wasn't home today left his temple in the care of metal dogs who were busy digging in the front yard holes big enough to run trains through! I complained when they said I couldn't wait ... but they threw me out any way ... fortunately I came prepared with Florida Water from the Botanica which I sprinkled liberally around the Aztec door post to keep the evil spirits away! This freeway through L.A. has my ass dragging on asphalt racing metal monsters jockey for position seven lanes of cars with crumpled fendered smiles on four lines of road engines belching fossel-fuel vapors that paint a thin brown line between sky and sea wearily I bulldozed my way back to Diego my tongue hanging out panting like a tired lion after a chase dropped off a package at the hotel 911 NINE P.M. fell exhausted into Soho and almost drowned in a cup of house coffee I spent too much money for gas! They say they're going to pay me NEXT TIME... ...NEXT TIME I cruise to L.A.