oj oj oj oj whatcha say oj break away stop rewind take a closer look at that again "and again" Connie explains "we have no confirmation no information no word yet as to who's really in the car" "again" Peter tells us "lets review the chain of events" and our minds eye halts at this sight channel surfing stop! zero in at this sight this sight only matters now only want to see who's gettin' closer who's gettin' the clearer picture who's focusing faster on this second of surreal time as time in time seemed to stop measure by measure timing our friday evening by sunlight on that porch sight pictures "pictures so bravely taken by our camera crews" crews whose only job is to film the news news stories, new stories makin you wanna scream every time you look at the screen so whatcha say oj whatcha say as your mythical image boosts nielsen ratings to another level no not like Michael J oj no, no way watching the image of another black star fit the mold of athlete gone violent criminal an animal gone insane and in the corner of the screen screaming fans call out a players name like yours and again images of black men running down a lane on marquee floors today drip drops to images of your chase so whatcha say oj whatcha say 'bout black men bein' chased by white authority on the basketball court controlling limiting emotions in the game controlling the free flowing feeling of the game so whatcha say oj whatcha say when mythical ideals of man transcending sport sport figure dropping like tears of pain tears of blood stain white spectators tuning in to channel zero seeing you fall from fame seeing you fall again as that black threat you possess swims across the screen once again and somewhere I hear a sports fan scream no no way oj, no way oj so whatcha say oj whatcha say as peter, tom, and connie between the lines state here's another nigger for the public to hate