Bong Fire

Lets work in revearse
The fire ligten
And I'm still stuck with the curse
So enjoy the show because
I can't breath
I have blood on shoes
And on my sleaves
And I'm happy to go
Like dry dead leaves
So enjoy the show
Lets dance naked in cold snow
Do you like my verse
Would you like a chorus
Do you want it to ryme
Perhaps 2/4 time
Well that's to bad
I hope your mad
Because people n' things make me sad
But I'll make an exception
Just this time
Image n' rythm
An abstract ryme
And the waters warm
So the people swarm
And I countinue to write words 
I can't see,
He is ugly 
He is sad
Preppys n'stuff make me sad
Joy, Joy yeeaa!
Freashmen stick to me like fleas
"Wow John you rule."
"Screw you freashmen fool!"
I'm dumb
And your none
Me n' you could never have fun,
Go back to your world of lockers
And I'll go to my world of lofts
Covered with blood stained pillows so soft
Because I'm on it
And I'm going off
You got the tickets?
You fake!
You loser!
Fuck you, you, you, you drug user!
And it began from their
When he tried to tare
Are you listening?
Do you even care?
And the bong fire plays on
And the youth are strong
Because we hit the bong
It's are time
We'll commit the crimes
We'll write the poems that ryme
Speak out!
Shout out!
Say fuck n' shit out loud
We'll make are girlfriends proud
And we'll tag up the whie house
Kick down the doors
Then well get naked with tiper gore
And the abstract goes on
And the bong fire plays on,
And the elder complains
"First they take my alcohol,
Then they wanna tow away my truck
want some chips?"
And Jesus loves all the little children in the world,
And for $9.95
You to can be
Dazed n' bathed
And the beach closes at eleven
And the elder complains
"Their not gonna tow my truck."
Ease the tention
Did I mention
Cause John's on ah mission
Tell me that your listening
If your not listening
Then you are dead
Shoot point blank in the head
I saw the blood turn to bleed
And the bong fire plays on
And the abstract goes on
And the youth are strong
Cuz we hit the bong