Harmony Music List: Independent Bands
Modified on 12/12/95
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- 360s, the
- 5-8
- 59 Reasons
- Absolute
- Age Before Beauty
- Angst
- anomie
- Anti-Group Conspiracy, the
- Autumn Pilgrimm
- Bad Examples, the
- Bandicoots
- Barefoot Serpents
- Belizbeha
- Beyond Seven
- Black Eg, the
- Black Happy
- Black Sand Hand
- Blacksmith Union
- Blue House
- Boiled in Lead
- Boxmaker
- Bumgravy
- Catharine Wheel
- Charms, the
- Chronelegy
- Cornershop
- CREe
- Demented Penguinz
Deth Specula
- Digger
- Drive Like Jehu
Eden Retread
- Elastic Purejoy
- Ergot Derivative, the
- Fabric
- Faceless
- Fear Of Dolls
- Fischer-Z
- Flamenco Puro
- Gee Mr Tracy
- Ginger Mong
- Global Communications
- Gods of the Groove
- Gravitar
- Hatters, the
- Headbutt
- Her False Hope
- Hit Me
- Huggy Bear
- Hypermarket
- Institute of Technology
- Jambay
- Jeffery, Rick Blues Band
- Juggernaut Jug Band, the
- Kent 25
- Killgore Trout
- Last Straw, the
- Legendary Gazzelles, the
- Like
- Lounge Pimps
- Love in Venice
- Lowpop Suicide
- Lucy's Fur Coat
- Malchicks, the
- Mary Fortune Express
- Mentallo & the Fixer
- Mercy Me
- Mettalingus
- Millan & Kenzie (cc.emory.edu)
- Millan & Kenzie (hidwater.com)
- Monomania
Mudkats, the
- Naked Angels
- Neckitt and Leggit
- Nereid Cluster
- New Texicans
- NewSpeak
- Nilon Bombers
- Official Electrode Dingus 2026
- Offworld
- On the Mark
- Orbit
- Others, the
- Phat Sidy Smokehouse
- Phobic
- Phreeworld
- Pittsburgh Camerata
- pOppY page!
- Portrait of Souls
- Power Syndrome
Princeton Tigertones
- Psychedelic Steppenwolves, the
- Psyclone Rangers
- Raw Magillys
- Rush Me Under
- Rusted Root
- Severe Tire Damage
- ShadowBox
- Simple Machine
- Sky Cries Mary
- Soft Spoken
- Spencer the Gardener
- Spinning Jenny
- Spoken, the
- Stanford Prison Experiment
- Starcrunch
- Suckbrain (pages in Estonian!)
- Surgical Penis Klinik
- Sweat Engine
- Sweet Thursday
- Synthetix
- Testcard F
- The Story
- ThinWhiteLine
- Those Darn Accordions!
- Throb
- Tilted
- Tin Gods
- Tone Deaf Teens
- ToothagunnA
- Toxic Frequency
- Tribe
- TSPC (*way* cool pages)
- Twisted Helices
- Vergiftung
- Violet Arcana (underground.net)
- Violet Arcana (www.telport.com)
- Waterworks
- Webaworld
- What the Cat Dragged In
- Who's the Band
- Worst, the
- Yello
- Zero
- Zuba