Test-Fitted Configurations
Finding the common base is a large part of the Omni-Platform (tm) creation process. PHP and DBE have collected the software and CD specs in what we call the
Omni-Platform (tm) guidelines. Following these guidelines allows
Insertions Series
projects (Multiple Insertions, Multiple Re-Insertions, etc) to
function on most modern machines. For the MI project, we tested
many different CPU configurations and monitor sizes
and found peculiarities and work-arounds for all of them.
If you find peculiarities/problems with your configuration, let us know
(info@panhand.com) and we should be able to work through the details
(or, at least, give you a sticker or T-shirt). If all else fails,
the data portion is available on video...
- PowerMac 8100/100AV - 15" & 17"
- PowerMac 7100/80, 80AV - 15" & 17"
- PowerMac 6100/60,66 - 14" mono, 15" & 17"
- Mac llci - 13", 15"
- Centris 610650 - 15"
- Powerbook 160,520c - LCD & 15"
- 486 running Windows 3.1 and 95 - 14", 15", 16"
- Pentium running Windows 3.1 and 95 - 14", 15", 16"
- PowerMac running SoftWindows - 15", 17"
- PowerMac 6100/DOS - 15", 17"
- SPARCstation 1 & 20 running SunOS 4.1.3 - 16", 20"
- SPARCstation 1 & 20 running Solaris 2.4 - 16", 20"
- NeXT - mono and color 17"