A description of the first symposium, held during August 1994 in Caxambu, is available from Silvia Matheus. The Computer Music Journal will publish a more extensive review, probably in issue 19:1.
Aluizio Arcela (arcela@LPE1.cic.unb.br) is a professor in the computer science department and has developed a format for scores and method for realizing them as sounds and/or images. Several of his works are available for inspection.
Conrado Silva is a professor in the music department and teaches electronic music in a lab he is developing. (conrado@guarany.cpd.unb.br)
Marcio Brandão works in the computer science department with Aluizio. (brandao@cic.unb.br or @guarany.unb.br)
Maurício Alves Loureiro
Escola de Música
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Av. Afonso Pena 1534
30310-005 Belo Horizonte - MG
Gilberto Carvalho is a professor in the music department involved with using computers in composition. (agmc@dcc.ufmg.br)
Escola de Communicações e Artes (ECA-ISP)
Universidade de São Paulo
ae. Jauaperi 1782
04523 São Paulo
Fabio Kon (kon@ime.usp.br) is a professor involved with computer music. The research group for computer music in the computer science department has a world wide web page.
Ruggero Andrea Ruschioni (roger@lsi.usp.br) reports a web site at USP's Laboratório de Sistemas Integráveis (Laboratory of Integrated Systems). He says they also have a ftp site with binaries for SGI and the major packages for synthesis. The idea is to provide a site for South America, it should be faster than connecting to the USA, and they will soon have fiber-optical connection to the outer world.
Regis Rossi Alves Faria (regis@lsi.usp.br), one of the researchers at LSI, is working with wavelet theory and its application to signal processing. He is especially interested in the analysis and synthesis of music.
Centro de Documentacão de Música
Contemporânea (CDMC)
Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Biblioteca Central
Caixa Postal 6136
CEP 13.081 Campinas - SP
Jôhathas Manzolli / Raul do Valle (sound archive)
Núcleo Interdisiplinar de Communicação Sonora (HICS)
Unicamp (0192) 397923
Dr. Carlos da Rocha Costa completed his doctorate at UFRGS in 1993. He is interested in algorithmic composition and has done some work on formalisms for music representation.
Eloi Fernando Fritsch (research assistant) finished his Master Degree last year. His dissertation was about a grammar for the composition of Blues. At the moment he is developing the subject of his dissertation further.
Fabio Ghignatti Beckenkamp's (masters student) work involves the development of a neural networks for music analysis. He is interested in composition using the MAX program.
Eduardo Reck Miranda (miranda@music.edinburgh.ac.uk), composer, graduated in both computer science and music. Received a MSc in Music Technology at York University (UK) and a PhD in artificial intelligence applied to music at Edinburgh University. His interests are algorithmic composition and artificial intelligence-aided signal processing. He has done extensive work on the use of cellular automata in both, composition of higher level musical structures and sound synthesis. His PhD work involves the design of an intelligent system for sound synthesis in which the user can produce sound by giving sound descriptions (e.g. adjectives in English) rather than low level streams of parameter values. Nowadays he is developing a project at Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre which involves the design of a software for granular synthesis based on a cellular automata.
Raimundo Martins is a professor in the department of music interested in establishing connections. (rmartins@vortex.ufrgs.br)
Celso Loureiro Chaves is a professor of composition who will be on the music committee of NUCOM's second symposium, to be held near Porto Alegre.
Hubertus Hofman is a professor of composition and pianist in the department of music interested in composing with midi.
Antonio Cunha is currently finishing his Ph.D in composition at UC San Diego. He will be returning to rejoin the faculty.
The Associação Brasileira de MIDI e Tecnologia Musical (MTM) has a library and activities for its members. Miguel Ratton, an engineer, is President.
Rua Mariz e Barros 479, sala 1, Tijuca
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 20270-003
Nucleo de Pesquisa do Centro de Artes
Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo
Av. Fernando Ferrari S/N
29065 - Vitória, ES
Centro de Artes: (027) 227-0798