I am a Man

I am a man.
I pretend to be in control
lying with bleeding heart
and cartoon flesh of macho stereotype
It's great to be a man, it's sad to be a macho.
A macho is a man castrated of his female nature
I am a man
sliding the surface of my evaporating ego into
the womanhood of the flower that blossoms in my bed.
I am a man in quest of my femininity... to fuck her!
All men want to be the "founding fathers"
of an empire on top of the motherland!
Every ounce of our sperm is a potential nation.
I posses the world, I penetrate it
with my fist with no limbs, and
fill it with overpopulated sperm.
A nation of me, myself,
and I's emerge from my genes.
I am a man,
a victim of insanity that dried up my soul.
I shall not feel to be a man! I shall not cry to be in control!...
I'm a man seeing
Two men fighting for their mother's love.
Two men fighting for their father's Sunday.
Two men fighting for a woman's desire.
Two men fighting each other in the
name of another man. Men! Men! Men!
Man made men in control of the cockpit of life,
in control in the office, in bed!
In the most intimate moments of solitude, I
reach out with my penis to the world, and I come...
Because my penisis an extension of my ego!
How big is your ego? I am a man
I curl like an embryo in my placenta dreams
when the tears of a woman
shatters my ego with the truth!
I ejaculate prematurely,
sometimes with one of my two heads, 
and not always I think with the right one!
I confess... It's hard to stop being a man;
we're the only survivors of our
father's sperm anyway...