Bookpress / INSOMNIA
A quarterly literature & art magazine
INSOMNIA is published quarterly by Rocco Ingala, Jr. at BookPress and distributed in the US and Canada by IPD; internationally by BookPress.
- Dream On Productions.
13013 Philadelphia
Whittier, CA 90601
INSOMNIA is actively soliciting prose, poetry, essays, short
stories, conceptual graphic design, original black and white art
or photography. We also encourage co-submissions from writers
and visual artists.
Titles by BookPress / INSOMNIA
- The Burning,
by Laurel Ann Bogen, 1970-1990
- 85 pp. Poetry $10.00
- Boullabaisse, Beat, post-Beat & modern writings, ed.
by Dave & Ana Christy, 1993
- 85 pp. Literary Magazine $10.00
- Visions of Paradise,
by Leslie Caldera, 1987
- featured in INSOMNIA, Sp 93, Sum 93, Fall 93
22 pp. Mail Art $10.00. Limited, Signed Edition.
- The Latest Roundup, philosophy and stories,
by Jack Call, 1984
- 60 pp. Prose $5.95
- The Long Watch, life in a psychedelic church,
by Jack Call, 1987
- 192 pp. Prose $11.95
- Wordcore, Vol.7,
by Exene Cervenka, 1994
- published by Kill Rock Stars
Spoken Word EP $5.00
- Antineraires,
by Anna Fontescal & Jean-Francois Podevin, 1985
- featured in INSOMNIA, Sum 93
90 pp. Poetry $10.00. French.
- Recovery Theatre,
by Margaret Elysia Garcia, 1993
- featured in INSOMNIA, Sum 93, Fall 93
20 pp. Handmade Chapbook $6.00
- Off Track Lamenting,
by Margaret Elysia Garcia, 1994
- 30 pp. Handmade Chapbook $6.00
- Domestic Silence,
by Margaret Elysia Garcia, 1994
- 30 pp. Handmade Chapbook $10.00
- A One Legged Man Standing Casually on Hollywood Blvd. Smoking a Cigarette,
by SA Griffin, 1989
- featured in INSOMNIA, Sum 93, Fall 93, Winter 94
66 pp. Poetry $6.00
- Heaven is One Long Naked Dance,
by SA Griffin, 1993
- 104 pp. Poetry $6.00
- Standing on the Shoulders of Giants,
by The Illustriuos Theatre Orchestra, 1993
- New Classical Music CD $14.99 Cassette $10.99
- Small Dogs Bark Cartoons,
by Doug KNott, 1991
- 60 pp. Poetry $11.00
- Generation One Point Five,
by Tanya Hyonhye Ko, 1993
- featured in INSOMNIA, Sum 93, Winter 94
130 pp. Poetry $14.95. Korean & English.
- Flames of Hate in the City of Angels, a passion play in three acts,
by Michael Gregg Michaud, 1992
- featured in INSOMNIA, Fall 93, Winter 94
15 pp. Poetry $5.00
- Moribundo,
by Michael Gregg Michaud
- illustrated by Miguel Angel Reyes, 1992
16 pp. Poetry $10.00
- God, the Motion Picture,
by Matthew Niblock, 1992-1993
- 52 pp. Poetry $5.00
- Nuthing Sacred, ed.
by Jay Sosnicki, 1993
- 48 pp. Underground Magazine $2.50
- Sheila-Na-Gig, ed.
by Hayley R. Mitchell, 1993
- Vol. 6, Women, 78 pp. Vol. 7/8, 162 pp.
Art, Fiction, Poetry Journal $5.00
- My Name is Trouble,
by Bobbo Staron, 1989
- Music Cassette $6.00
- The Music of Women,
by Rosalee Thompson, 1992
- featured in INSOMNIA, Spring 93
35 pp. Poetry $7.00
- Purple Rhinoceros Byrd,
by Michael Zittel, 1993
- featured in INSOMNIA, Winter 93
20 pp. Poetry $3.00
- Why I Love a Murderer,
by B. Lynne Zika, 1993
- featured in INSOMNIA, Sum 93, Fall 93, Winter 94
83 pp. Poetry $5.00
- Green Beans & Lovers,
by B. Lynne Zika, 1993
- 32 pp. Poetry $5.00
- Blood Pudding, ed.
by B. Lynne Zika, 1993
- 84 pp. Poetry Journal $5.00
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13013 Philadelphia
Whittier CA 90601