The PHP/DBE/SE Devices add to the performance environment in the form
of special lighting, video, visual and audio effects. The devices are specifically designed to withstand the harsh environmental conditions of Industrial
performance. The controller/device combination adds a sense of collaboration to
the shows.
Photos using Devices and "Art Devices" are shown in the MIPs section of this CD.
Some description is posted here:
- Solenoid Launchers - Generally controlled by percussive controllers, SLs are solenoid lever mechanisms designed to project objects between 1-5 Kg from 6 - 18 meters.
- Compressor Cannons - Generally controlled by percussive controllers. CCs are compressed air tubes which are used in the same context as the SLs. The cannons are generally used to project more fluid objects (such as
goop bags, streamers and confetti).
- Valve Devices - VDs are actually a subset of the Compressor Cannon Devices. The valves are used as the stop for the compressor.
The VDs are also used to control flow of other fluids and gases.
The VDs have proven to be most entertaining when used with
percussive controllers to generate short bursts of steam and air.
- Step Turning Devices - STDs are stepping motor devices
used to precisely rotate objects. High speed STDs are used
in the same context as Launchers to quickly rotate and catapult objects.
- Fire - The most effective (and most accurate) fire devices have
proven to be the Gas Valve Fire Device (GVFD) and the traditional
electric flash pot, both triggered by percussive controllers.
- Electric Dentist Chairs - Generally orange (never light blue) are controlled by continuous controllers, the chairs position performers in 3 dimensions. So, they
are easily controlled by a single RPY controller (especially
when the RPY is worn by a dancer).
The EDC systems are particularly interesting when interfaced
with voice recognition interfaces and combined with
Tattoo and Piercing performances.
- Mixers FX and Spacializers - MIDI and Serial controlled FX are added to the quad audio chain to give performers physical, continuous control over
audio volume, pitch, pan and true spacialization.
- Lighting and Fog - MIDI and Serial controlled 115V systems are used to give continuous control over lighting and percussive control
over fog.
- Talking Boxes - Voice units taken from surplus, speaking drink machines and voice mail systems make excellent instruments.
- Video/Film - The use of pre-made videos and film loops have evolved
into the use of controllers to select and modify video and film clips.
Continuous controllers have been used to control direction and
speed of video and film clips. However, it has proven more effective
to use percussive controllers to control the selection and direction
of film and video.
16mm film projectors and Helical Scan engines are used in conjunction with STDs to move
forward and backward through film loops and video clips. AV and MIDI equipped multimedia computers are used to to convert controller information
to Quicktime, MPEG and color pallet flash clips.
- Vaccuum Cleaners, Microwaves, and Blenders - Finally, home appliances have proven to be the most entertaining of the Art Devices. Continuous
and percussive control of motorized appliances can produce tonal noise
and physical movement of objects to which the audience
can directly identify.